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Everything posted by mappy

  1. argh -- Smith is out for Sunday.
  2. chance of snow monday and christmas? i thought this year was going to suck?
  3. I'm not a big beer fan to begin with, but even oyster stout sounds gross to me. scrapple beer sounds awful lol
  4. yeah that sounds disgusting. we actually had scrapple with our breakfast for dinner last night.
  5. yay! congrats friend. nothing here that i can tell.
  6. For the record, scrapple when cooked correctly is god damn delicious. Bring on those pig parts
  7. That did happen 10 years ago.. Christmas day though, and well, that storm busted badly.
  8. Ha, this time that year I was going insane trying to talk the hotel into letting wedding guests come up a night early and get the same rate for their rooms as they paid for Saturday. Was calling vendors to see if they could come up Friday night instead of Saturday, calling friends, family, etc. not sure I got a lick of work done that day.
  9. have i mentioned how much i hate sleet? such a pain in the ass to shovel. There's a good 1/8 inch of ice on all the trees/cars. But at least the cars are dug out and cleared off. Neighbor will snow blow the rest of the driveway for us, and rest will melt. Very pretty out there!
  10. Picked up 1.5" of new snow storm total: 8.5"
  11. Nice write up @psuhoffman. It has switched back to sleet/snow here after a couple hours of freezing rain. Cleared boards are white again. Hoping to wake up to a nice surprise!
  12. Shit man, that’s terrible. Sorry to hear. Thinking of you and your kid
  13. 7” officially sent to LWX. Nice crunchy top to my snow. Sleet/freezing rain
  14. 28 and pouring sleet and probably freezing rain. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee
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