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Everything posted by mappy

  1. of course we will survive, its just snow.
  2. if i get rain we are all screwed lol
  3. okie dokie. enjoy your rain.
  4. I didn't realize the event already happened and we know what solution is correct. do you have lotto numbers too?
  5. but you're also further south.
  6. for your spot, yup. I'm honestly not sure why this is surprising, you know how this goes. if that low doesn't tuck just right, warm air filters in and places south/east of 95 get a mix or rain before changing back. usual places north and west stay snow the whole time, jackpot sets up over ahead and we get double digits.
  7. I asked Randy if we could open it sooner, the thread yesterday was a disaster and it was becoming annoying to read. you're welcome.
  8. i saw, not much for me to do this morning lol for sure, looks good up here. but thats to be expected given location.
  9. did i miss something last night? lol
  10. Good post @psuhoffman and I agree with the above
  11. We usually only pull those out when all else fails. Seeing it the other way around is a mind trip
  12. Lol the JMA. I’d recommend if you’re gonna be pessimistic over this threat, to at least use good models to do so. And do it in banter.
  13. Chatter about where to chase, sledding with your kids and if a model is NSFW belongs in banter
  14. Let’s try to limit model run play by play to one or two people so there’s no confusion
  15. i unlocked the thread for chatter of threats AFTER the Sunday-Wednesday thing. Remember real long term stuff goes in the Day7 and beyond thread.
  16. FWIW i hid your post because that wasn't the place for it. and all the replies to it, again wasn't the thread for it. hope you keep reading even if you dont post. if you can weed through some of the bullshit, this place is full of very knowledgeable posters. take care!
  17. for sure. 1.5+ QPF for us, all snow
  18. dont worry, the new storm thread wont be as forgiving.
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