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Everything posted by mappy

  1. me too! last was on around 7 and never came back lol
  2. Surprised the sleet mixed as early as it did, that's a bummer.
  3. 3” icy rimmed flakes but dumping
  4. Per the legend on the left, mixed layer parcel which I know nothing about.
  5. The 0 temp line is dashed in the middle, the red/green lines are temp and dew as you move down the atmosphere to the surface. Heights is along the left, temp along the bottom. When the red crosses the 0 dashed line, precip is rain and depending where in that column it happens, is when you get different precip types.
  6. I know it’s the hrrrr but I don’t hate it.
  7. But only catchable when it’s raining in the fall or winter.
  8. You did better than me. That was a busy tracking month, with a big storm smack in the middle.
  9. Was that the mid month, one? Was two parts, I think?
  10. Is that drier than previous runs?
  11. Yessss string and chicken. Did that often myself
  12. I’ve only been there a handful of times. My parents had friends there, but it wasn’t my scene.
  13. No doubt. I didn’t have that, but we did have a small boat my dad would take us out on, on the Magothy. Friends had a dock and ramp, so we’d just park and launch from there. Caught my first bass on that river.
  14. Agreed, I mentioned closer to Gibson island as I was most familiar with those nice homes. It’s where all the popular kids from my days lived. I dated a guy who lived off N Shore, wasn’t on the water but oh man was it a really nice house and lot.
  15. You’re hate is strong, don’t ever change.
  16. I only checked the early gfs sounding up my way today, but had similar looking skews for a few hours. I don’t think it would be a pure sleet, especially if it’s coming down at a good clip.
  17. It does make it harder to keep a thread focused
  18. Hope it works out for you guys, seriously. I would offer to take extra hours of sleet if it meant you guys cashed in, but if I’m sleeting, then you have been for a while lol
  19. He’s not that bad.Ji is Ji and either you love him, or find him incredibly tedious. I am of the latter and it’s better for all of us if I ignore him. He does know his weather, and when he wants to be serious he is a worthwhile follow/read. It’s the other 90% of his posting style I can’t stand. I do not have the patience for that.
  20. Unless you tell them, like how I ignore Ji and live blissfully
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