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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Went with a high of 27, low 22. Trace-.10 with snow (airport just has to have SN in the metar report to count). Currently in first place so would be nice to keep it haha
  2. a delay would be dumb. if we see any precip from the ULL it won't be until late morning. Send them on time.
  3. Ha, no not yet. Just got home from a day in the office, going to look at data now
  4. Congrats to those seeing snow! Maybe the ULL will produce tomorrow too
  5. 20/5 with virga. I doubt I see anything at all
  6. lol the mid Atlantic weenies also mentioned Jan 2000. If only
  7. Long story short: you’re old
  8. SHA brined 83 all the way to the PA line. State roads brined too. I’m just gonna get clouds
  9. My road was brined last night lol
  10. Everybody drink, Jan 2000 mention
  11. Making for a fun forecast I have to make tomorrow for Thursday lol
  12. Coworkers in Syracuse said picked up 1-2 feet with more this week. I need to go back haha
  13. Roads are brined up my way
  14. There are quite a few in the area without power. We lost it briefly yesterday afternoon 330-4 but it was brief. Sorry yours is still out.
  15. Justin Berk mentioned it this morning.
  16. I wouldn’t count on a reversal and things get better for us, but hey at least the Eagles won the Super Bowl.
  17. All good. I get your POV. The main storm threads do focus on the main I-95 corridor while not focusing a ton on those who live at the outer edges of the subforum. Most who post live in the main central part of the subforum, so it’s to be expected. But it also means when it fails for 90% of the forum, the discussion is gonna tank and I can understanding the frustration when that happens.
  18. They deleted their post. We should just move on.
  19. And we’ve reached the point in winter where the subforum divides and we bicker with each other. Happens every winter.
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