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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Get to meet @Baltimorewx in person today when he comes to my work for a job interview
  2. if you're curious to who has reported sightings near you, there's a map for that! https://cicadamap.msj.edu/ Also highly recommend downloading the Cicada Safari App, developed by Mount St Joseph University in Cincinnati (also creator of the map). You can take pics, upload your locations, etc. and they will end up on the map.
  3. Happy Mother’s Day to the moms who post here! Hope it’s a wonderful day for you all ❤️
  4. I'm so glad you got to go do that and felt comfortable doing so! Must be such a wonderful piece of mind Sorry about the kids not going back in, weird that Frederick County put that into place on a cut-off. Baltimore County, at least my kid's school, was like YES WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MINI-MAP BACK IN SCHOOL. Her teacher was so excited to hear that they'd get to meet face to face. Which makes me happy and I know its the right decision. That's great that you can go do that! We too have a dance recital we will get to actually go see in person in June for the kiddo. We were thankful her dance studio was allowing 2 guests per student, as I was worried only one of us would be able to go. I actually have a Mother-Daughters dance class tomorrow as a Mothers Day thing at her dance studio. I am probably going to die
  5. Def agree on keeping the arm active. I did not after either one of my doses and regretted it the next day. Was sooooo sore. Mr Map was down and out all day yesterday, but felt fine this morning. I'm feeling great, arm soreness is completely gone. And we decided today that the kiddo can go back to school in the building now that we have dose 2 coursing through our veins. She is SUPER excited, and we are too. She will be going 4-days a week and that means a very quiet house!
  6. Only the AARP mailer. Never a nursing home calling me. Old ass.
  7. Congrats to both! Internships are seriously the best. I interned with Sue Palka during one of my summers and it was an amazing experience. Learned I cannot hack on-air meterology and fell in love with making graphics that went into her weather segments. Got me on my path to cartography/GIS. Sorry to hear! It's kind of crazy how it impacts everyone differently. My husband got dose 2 of moderna Wednesday and he was on his ass all day yesterday. WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
  8. I hear you, I am the same way. I got up yesterday to work, then laid down by 9am. Tried again midday and then gave up.
  9. Would be nice to have a warmer Mothers Day and enjoy outside, but doesn't look like that will be the case.
  10. That's Mr. Map today. He got his second moderna yesterday morning and is still in bed. I have a feeling he will be taking the day off and just rest. Def take off if you can. I tried to power through it yesterday but gave up, just wanted to lay down and rest.
  11. Yay! Congrats! Def drink a lot of water afterwards too, and pop some motrin. I have prescription ibuprofen that I took that helped so much. The arm soreness wasn't terrible yesterday, it was the fatigue and achiness all over that knocked me on my butt. Just take it easy and listen to your body if you wake up tomorrow feeling run down.
  12. 42 this morning. had to flip to heat because we left the AC on and it was chilly in the house. Enough cold mornings already.
  13. Feeling so much better this morning. Arm is still sore, but not tired or achy like yesterday. Worth the impromptu day off of work.
  14. lol I’ve seen worse
  15. Thank you! Ended up taking the rest of the day off from work. Watching daytime TV with two of my pups
  16. thanks. going back to bed.
  17. lol yeah. its def due to the vaccine. completely wiped out this morning. want to go back to bed.
  18. LOL -- I'm leaning pfizer. Definitely more achy than any other normal morning watch it, sir. you don't have much room to talk
  19. tired, very sore arm, and achy all over. dont know if its from my 2nd dose, or just being in my late 30s.
  20. Woooo shot 2 done! I’d get up and dance if all the people here wouldn’t look at me and laugh
  21. yes, you are old (almost) oh my, you're so young (I kid, you're my sister's age, I'm 3 years older). But yes, Tremors was a cult classic.
  22. man, you're dating yourself quite a bit with that throwback mention.
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