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Everything posted by mappy

  1. a light snow/sleet has been falling for a bit now, whitened all cleared surfaces.
  2. omg i love this. once winter is over and i need an avatar change, i'm going to use this instead.
  3. Sure! This is from USGS, national viewer. https://apps.nationalmap.gov/viewer/ The legend drop down gives you lots of options.
  4. Welcome! Ended up with 5.5”
  5. Ouch! I knew I was gonna fall so just let it happen without really trying to brace myself, figured my fat ass could take the brunt without risking hurting a wrist or something instead
  6. https://data.imap.maryland.gov/datasets/c77287b935a04b0b9b9e3beba9b5d9b4 really good topography map available through the state of MD. You can pan and zoom to where you wanna look
  7. 2/18: 5.5” Season total: 26.4” (rounded up)
  8. I am not a very good cook, but I do try. Very simple recipe so I nailed it lol brussel sprouts could be good with it too, that honey glaze, with a touch of cayenne pepper, was top notch.
  9. Yeah I had no clue it was misting, didn’t expect a slick driveway. Total sheet of black ice. So do be careful if you have to go out.
  10. Ha! Didn’t realize how much it hurt until I sat down to eat. Gotta hit the mines first next time. Thanks, friend.
  11. But my honey garlic pork chops with asparagus was delicious
  12. Can confirm a freezing mist here too
  13. Fell on my ass while shoveling around the cars. The cleared portion of the driveway was totally iced up, went to step and push off to shovel behind my car and slipped and fell. Didn’t realize how sore it was until after I finished, came inside, made dinner then went to sit down. Ouch.
  14. No doubt. I get a kick when my husband and the neighbor pull up along the fence on their tractors to shoot the shit. Cracks me up every time.
  15. He's a good guy, contractor, has helped us out a lot. Wife is retired, watches their youngest grandchild. She runs the fence with our puppy when the weather is nice. We will have to shovel the walk and around our cars, but 90% of the driveway will be good to go. I usually make them sweet treats as thanks. We mow each others lawns when on vacation, help with other stuff, things like that. Good neighbors to have.
  16. Free. We share a driveway, older couple, nice folks. He's out there with a plow on the front of his John Deer clearing both driveways. He does it every storm.
  17. Same up here. Very fluffy stuff with pellets within. Was easy to shovel the deck for the dogs. Neighbor is doing our driveway
  18. He is. You have the right person
  19. Finished with 5.5" that compacted to below 5" by the time the last hour+ of sleet stopped.
  20. I am not here to stop your from laughing in life. We all need to do more of that these days. Just dial back the sex posts, man. Thats all I'm asking. Just dial it back. And stop mocking us who have issues with it.
  21. i dont like dealing with it, to be honest. its annoying. and makes me look much worse than i actually am.
  22. Ok. I didn't see her post, ill go back and look. But mocking it all the same is just a bad look man. We get it, you like sex, boobs, ****ing, dicks, whatever... you do you. There's just a time and place for it, and not every single post people make has to be made into a sexual innuendo. I'm guilty of it too, how many times have I said those anomaly maps look like boobs (they do!) so there are times where its funny and I laugh and we move on
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