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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Two of the worst things in one.
  2. He was so god damn terrible. Like, it legit makes my blood boil that someone in Canada thought that was a good pitch idea to give a green light too and that it was a popular show. I have not met a single parent who actually liked the show. The worst.
  3. Fck that whiney ass child, so glad he was finally canceled. Seriously, the worst tv show of my kid’s toddler years.
  4. Picked up a half inch of snow last night before it flipped to sleet
  5. you're welcome! this was fairly easy to do, the snow map will be fun and challenging. Happy to do it!
  6. thats fine. i probably wont get to updating the map again until the weekend or early next week. work is crazy today.
  7. Yes, you can post another set of coordinates and I can add them with the few others that have been listed since this morning. Probably. This is what it looks like for me when I click a name, when viewing on my desktop (I signed out of google to test this, so you could see what it looks like)
  8. what? he wasn't describing his wife of having a big ass, but her treadmill.
  9. Thanks, I'll get it added. Not sure you can add any locations, only I can. But no, you do not need to be signed in to view it. I was able to view it without signing in.
  10. Just put what you think you have in the snow totals thread. Ill populate my data table with whatever people have posted. I don't think everyone who is on the member map has listed their totals, so ill have data gaps, which i will fill with other resources.
  11. I'll pull member totals who have shared from our thread for sure. In years past, I have pulled data from CoCoRaHs and from here http://xmacis.rcc-acis.org/
  12. maybe he doesnt actually know where he lives on a map lol
  13. those are the coordinates he provided
  14. oh gosh, this was nothing. any of you could have done it. but thank you all the same. While I knew that the majority of us lived between Baltimore and DC, seeing it in map form definitely makes it more apparent.
  15. So I'm thinking for this years snowfall map, I will add snow totals to member pop ups, and add contours to the google map. ill do it in GIS first, then load it up.
  16. Alrighty -- member location map is now live https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1s0m_oAkLy169xBTMWO-BPxShxouBHQiM&usp=sharing let me know if it doesn't work lol
  17. yup. its been a rather shitty winter in that regard.
  18. this upsets me. i will delete it now
  19. if that was the case I would remove a lot more of your posts. Do better.
  20. Great. Thanks. From now on, I highly suggest you take your complaints directly to Randy. You all don't seem to give a shit when I repeat the same words as him, for reasons I cannot explain. I'm tired of repeating myself to you.
  21. cool story. we aren't discussing politics here. Randy has requested it, and you all just need to accept it
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