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Everything posted by mappy

  1. I literally laughed at the insurance on the phone at how ridiculous their process is on what is covered and not. So so stupid. Thank you for remembering and asking! She is doing so much better, was a year last month. She went through some major life changes following the accident; a long term relationship ended, had to sell her house and move back home, couldn’t work for almost 6 months, navigating covid like the rest of us...all while recovering from the accident. I thought I was a strong female, but she’s incredible.
  2. its no wonder people go bankrupt over medical bills. a free wellness visit resulted in a bill because something was found that needed to be treated. thankfully its an affordable bill and was an easy treatment, but geez. talk about stupid loopholes and the like.
  3. starting my friday off by dealing with stupid insurance. the worst.
  4. lol facebook has been reminding me all week of it. gosh was i such a stupid person back then sharing sooooooo many snowfall maps.
  5. I'm ready for the 60s/70s being advertised next week. screw snow, bring warmth and spring.
  6. third one today in the same area. def thought the most recent one was a repeat tweet from this mornings. oof.
  7. Let me know how your neighbor thought it went, my mom goes for her first on Sunday.
  8. all our sunny spots are snow free -- still a big pile at the top of the driveway where the sun only hits it the morning.
  9. Weather has been great this week -- the yard isnt as muddy, and the puppy has been loving that our backyard ball throwing activity has returned!
  10. i mean its not like its a lot of money to spend every year, plus i do look at them for hurricanes and such. id like to keep some subscription, just need recommendations on any other ones besides weathermodels
  11. my weathermodels subscription is up in a few days, should i renew it or subscribe to another?
  12. I think the front has arrived. Winds just picked up here
  13. i dont know, yoda. I don't work for the team.
  14. this. we pulled every bit of landscaping around the deck and in the pool area this fall. i have a blank slate to work with and cannot wait.
  15. fine with me. im ready for outdoor stuff.
  16. Map has been updated https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1s0m_oAkLy169xBTMWO-BPxShxouBHQiM&usp=sharing
  17. now that the majority of my snow is gone, its mud season. which means dirty god damn paw prints everywhere.
  18. Two of the worst things in one.
  19. He was so god damn terrible. Like, it legit makes my blood boil that someone in Canada thought that was a good pitch idea to give a green light too and that it was a popular show. I have not met a single parent who actually liked the show. The worst.
  20. Fck that whiney ass child, so glad he was finally canceled. Seriously, the worst tv show of my kid’s toddler years.
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