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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Thank you!! Heading there later today, if you go today let me know!
  2. Felt nothing at my house
  3. My grandparents had WTF season tickets when they still played at RFK. Promptly stopped after their move to FedEx field. they said it wasn't the same.
  4. Yeah, we noticed that our oak tree in the backyard suddenly had all these brown leaves. Then I noticed a lot of trees in my area had it. Ava posted something about it Wednesday, and it all clicked. Some trees hit much much worse than others, but kind of cool to see where they laid their eggs.
  5. if yall gonna post about controversial topics, wait until i'm not on so i dont have to read it. #lazymod
  6. Yeah, Monday was the last day we heard anything here. Also, in case people don't know (I didn't) the browning of leaves on trees are where the females laid their eggs. Shouldn't hurt the trees, unless they were unhealthy to begin with.
  7. nice to see you! hope you're doing well.
  8. Mr Map and I went to one WTF game years ago, a Sunday night game against Dallas. Not worth the money spent, for the tickets (upper section), parking (tailgating with only two people was dumb), or dealing with the fans. Omg, the fans. Some of the worst people I've ever been around in my life.
  9. Enjoy it while it lasts
  10. Me? Cut him slack? pfffft please.
  11. how about hard seltzers? that's water. sorta.
  12. Just remember, when you were learning to drive, I was only a toddler.
  13. Cause you're old. Me? Not old. You? Old. Pork belly with hair too.
  14. windows opened! going to be an awesome evening for softball
  15. Anyone been to Big Truck Brewery yet? We are going this weekend to celebrate another trip around the sun for me.
  16. chilly in our house too.
  17. low of 46! 48 currently
  18. about .30" today -- near 2" since yesterday
  19. tomorrow night's softball game is going to be AH-MAZING
  20. had some more thunder/lightning around 11 -- 1.7" for the day yesterday
  21. Nice shelf cloud when it first came through, small branches down, lot of close lightning and thunder
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