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Everything posted by mappy

  1. ketchup! and it has to be cooked just right. crispy on the outside and squishy in the middle
  2. Ill def have to check that out, thanks for the recommendation! LOL I will. He was a little upset that the Os pulled out that win last night, but as he always says "The Os are always hot at the beginning then fail in the end"
  3. if they can make key lime flavored M&Ms, surely they can make vaccines that way too
  4. as long as you still love key lime pie. and scrapple is an acquired taste. i did not like it at first but its grown on me and now its one of my favorite meats (or meat leftovers if you will lol)
  5. Mr Map got moderna. He's fine this AM, but probably will have the worst of it in early May when he gets his second. I'm getting J&J next week, and already anticipating being down for the count afterwards based on what I've heard from others.
  6. oh good to know! thanks for sharing that.
  7. a lot of this drama wouldn't exist if you would just keep some of your thoughts to yourself. this isn't the place to complain about what you hear on the C4 show about how Baltimore is changing their tactics towards minor drug charges and usages. we've asked you to start filtering what you post, and you don't listen, or don't care. i'm tired of repeating myself and tired of asking you to stop. you get what you get in responses for it. but just remember that some of us have been your customers and some of the things you've shared over the last year isn't a great look.
  8. The kid's class suggested kids wear orange for opening day today, and we are dressing the kid up in blue and white for the yankees instead. we are not Os fans... let me rephrase, Mr. Map is not an O's fan, I could care less.
  9. need rain. allergies are awful. our hvac unit compressor went up, so we've been living with opened windows as much as possible and it is not good for my head. need relief!
  10. Come raise butterflies for me. lol
  11. no one gave him shit for not getting it. its within his right to do so. but thanks for stopping by!
  12. happy for you! Mr Map got his first yesterday, only thing he mentioned was injection site soreness and a little fatigue last night. hope it goes well!
  13. Thank you. We’ve asked time and time again to stop posting that stuff and it still happens. It’s such a terrible look. And judgements have been made
  14. His post has nothing to do with you. Not everything is about you.
  15. Thank you for sharing! Glad it was a smooth process for you! #getjabbed
  16. How: full bladder with some force Why: Florida
  17. if he has any idea of the context at which we are describing, then i imagine he has plenty to say about it
  18. LOL twist the nut? That girl was holding in some fluids! hahahahahahaha
  19. the force that had to be used to do that, is crazy to me. lol
  20. 12 to 15 FEET like a geyser!
  21. oh i know. i am very tired of repeating myself about it
  22. Sure. But, I have asked the same from him when he doesn't agree with how some of us have handled covid in the last year. it should go both ways. If he doesn't want the shot, then so be it. more for those who do.
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