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Everything posted by mappy

  1. sounds about right. then we can uncancel the cancel!
  2. If storms can wait until after 5pm, that would be great. I hate traveling on 83 during a storm trying to get home.
  3. keep the pessimism coming! we do well when we think we will fail
  4. I'm in Hunt Valley today, its trying to burn off, but still pretty foggy. Touché
  5. didnt you say that would happen? go on vacation and we get severe weather? (i could be confusing you with someone else)
  6. really? pretty cloudy/foggy up my way. we did get some early morning rain so that could be why
  7. or any other sport for that matter. Was watching women's softball last week and a student at a university in the US was playing on the Italy team, because she's from Italy. THE NERVE.
  8. The Friday cold front couldn't come through at a more perfect time. We have a one day softball tourney Saturday and its going to be amazing for end of July.
  9. But... if they are citizens of other countries its well within their right to go play for that country for the Olympics. It happens in other sports, not just NBA.
  10. thats terrible. exciting weather all year round for all.
  11. lets not get too greedy. we fail too much to get picky over PDS watches and high risks lol
  12. I think its good. If we send EAS alerts for flash flood warnings and tornado warnings, then we should do so for severe (80+ mph wind) thunderstorms too. The general public hardly pays attention as it is, whether its newscasts or warnings issued, so having this extra layer of communication hopefully will help curb the "it came without warning!" bullshit.
  13. lot of derecho mentions on twitter this AM for Wisconsin and points southeast. for us: ...Mid-Atlantic Vicinity... Modest deep-layer northwesterly flow will be in place today as an upper trough pivots eastward off the Atlantic coast. A very moist airmass is in place with dewpoints generally from the upper 60s to mid 70s F. Strong heating will result in strong destabilization during the afternoon. Nebulous large-scale ascent is forecast, and should limit coverage, with isolated thunderstorm development expected during the afternoon/evening. While low-level winds will be light, southerly flow beneath northwesterly winds aloft will result in moderate effective shear magnitudes, aiding in at least briefly organized cells/clusters. Steep low-level lapse rates and high PW values will support isolated damaging gusts through early evening.
  14. Yay Monday after being out of work for a week. Throw in two dogs with suspected kennel cough (and probably the third too though no coughing from her yet) and a kid who spent all day Sunday throwing up.
  15. Mr Map mowed Saturday the 17th, then we were away. Grass didn't grow, much, while we were gone so I assume any storms that happened during the week didn't hit the house. The rain last night was welcomed.
  16. picked up .80 from those storms that dropped out of PA last night
  17. Beautiful morning in Salisbury. Those low dews
  18. Got an alert about the watch for home. Would be our luck to miss storms
  19. Thanks! Down on the lower eastern shore now, huge difference in the level of smoke from my area compared to Salisbury. We could barely make out downtown Baltimore when we traveled over the Key Bridge. Could make out the high rises and nothing else, on a clear day you can see beyond the city from the bridge.
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