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Everything posted by mappy

  1. One guy has been banned a few times today lol
  2. Hey @wxtrix have you heard any updates on that weird bird death thing that was a minor story a while back? Curious if that’s still something to look out for, the youngest was munching on another bird. Unsure if he found it dead, leftovers from a bird kill, or did it himself… edit: youngest dog, not kid lol
  3. Just a thank you for not being like the main hurricane thread.
  4. When we went in 2019 K's teacher gave us work to take with us, so she did that over the course of the week. I am going to be asking her teacher the same for this year's trip. Plus, a lot of her schoolwork will be on a computer, despite them being in classrooms, so we will be fine making sure she doesn't get too off track so early in the year. But, its third grade, and 3 weeks into school... its not that bad.
  5. and that is why we don't go to the beach (Myrtle) until after Labor Day. Sure the kid misses a week of school, but our vacation is so much more enjoyable when its been after Labor Day.
  6. My extended family has missed my moms Lebanese Easter two years in a row, so she’s doing a Easter in August today. Cannot wait. So much yummy food.
  7. 0.0 yesterday, despite the clouds wasn’t a bad day.
  8. I haven't looked at models in ages, but saw a tweet from Ian that showed the NW shift. Imagine if it was winter.
  9. Salisbury University is having a weather tower installed, they broke ground on it today. Partnered with Wallops to get it done. A few of my old professors helped make it happen. Very cool. https://www.nasa.gov/wallops/2020/feature/nasa-wallops-and-salisbury-and-delaware-universities-partner-to-support-regional-weather
  10. Cute dogs!! And maybe, yes? If he's gentle with the guinea pig, then maybe viewed the baby rabbit the same way. Good on you to see it was still alive before it died a long death in a bag hahaha Our youngest so far has racked up three kills; two birds and groundhog. The last bird he came to the backdoor with just bird feet sticking out of his mouth. Looking proud as could be. We know we have blackbird nests in some of our evergreens, and it was a baby bird, so we think it fell out of the nest and the dog found it. The adult birds dived bombed him for days whenever he got close
  11. Bummer. Mine just kill wildlife
  12. 'heatwave' is subjective. but starting Sunday through most of week, most of us will have a string of 90+ days
  13. Epicenter was in Clarksville. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us6000f23j/executive?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=usgs_quakes
  14. I am sure the data is out there somewhere. I wouldn't have a clue where to look for it though.
  15. thank the jet stream, its been considerably trough-y for us the last two months, so places out west get the big heat domes while we cooler than average temps. Our short stretches of heat/humidity is when the jet stream settles into a normal place, letting us get the Bermuda high cranking for us. But that's happened with much less frequency this summer
  16. .91 yesterday, few rumbles of thunder in that line last night.
  17. Loving today’s rainy gray day, perfect to nurse sore muscles and a hangover following yesterday’s softball tourney/party
  18. We love our rescues. They are a handful, the terrier/lab is the troublemaker, while the terrier/shepherd is just poorly influenced, but he's a good boy otherwise. But the sweetest of babies, just lots of energy.
  19. i swear, young pups are worse than kids. but gotta give the younger pup credit, he did good work cornering it and killing it, quick snap of the neck and that was it. also, lol.
  20. terrier/lab and terrier/shepherd the terrier/shepherd did all the dirty work lol
  21. oh no, they cornered it and went to town. one pup has facial wounds, so off to the vet we go. yay
  22. If anyone ever hears/sees me say we should get another puppy, yell at me NO. This morning the two pups (1.5yrs/7 months) found and killed a groundhog living under our shed. Just spent 10 minutes chasing them around the yard, while they played tug of war with the body, so I could get them to drop it and back inside. So out of shape.
  23. .21 yesterday (includes early morning rain and whatever we got yesterday afternoon) 3.4" for July.
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