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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Dropped the kiddo off at school and cicadas are everywhere there. The few trees lining the parking lot were covered, shells and nymphs all over the curb and so many dead in the parking lot itself. Makes me think my backyard just won't see any
  2. not enough candles on that cake lol
  3. yeah, i was hoping to find more yesterday after a warm day and nothing new. blah.
  4. Friends, please help me wish @H2O a very happy birthday! He's officially old. Over the hill. Almost dead. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WATERBOY! YOU OLD
  5. Maryland friends Mr Map is not happy as he was vaccinated in PA
  6. yeah, the fungus. NPR had an article about it too I went back out the tree where I saw it, and it wasn't there. But it was def dead when we saw it the first time.
  7. Anyone up in the hereford zone wanna play adult co-ed softball? my team could use another guy/girl
  8. I found two shells! And the top half of an adult. lol
  9. hahahaha Love it!! @North Balti Zen @H2O and I were all in agreement with this GQ tweet earlier this week
  10. So, I can confirm they are in my area, as my kid saw a whole bunch at school today. Nymphs, shells and mature ones. My kid has seen them before I have. Gonna go walk the yard now and see if I can find any
  11. Thank you for all that information! We only use the solar cover early in the summer as our pool gets sun all day long and doesn't need the cover on after the first few weeks because then we are swimming in a bath tub. We made the switch to salt because we were having the worst issue with cyanuric acid every summer. The CYA would get too high, so we would have to add more chlorine, but then the stabilizer that is within chlorine tablets would cause more issues and it just never ended. Was such a pain in the ass by the end of every summer as our chemicals were out of whack, we'd get algae and just an overall sliminess to the pool.
  12. P much - like watching radar and snow hitting a wall as it advances north only for me to get clouds
  13. I've heard good things about doing it, and it was very reasonably priced. Company came out and put a convertor cell on the pump and that was it. We will have to add chlorine until the pool temp hits 75, then the salt convertor does the rest. But yes, owning a pool is big upkeep and maintenance. Balancing chemicals, cleaning it, dealing with the solar cover and putting it off/taking it off, then the whole opening/closing mess every year. We love ours, don't get me wrong, but I think if we were to buy a house again we would get one without a pool.
  14. This is like the worst northern fringe job ever
  15. yeah can we avoid the mask discussion again please
  16. Ours has been a bigger pain because we have shit well water (thanks SHA!) so a couple years ago we had to have all new concrete poured for it. So now we have to have water brought in every year vs filling it ourselves. Its time consuming and annoying, but I'm glad we have it.
  17. Yeah, was in the low 40s this morning up here, as has been the case for the last week or so.
  18. Its a massive hassle as an adult. LOL I like it better when I didn't have to be the one to maintain it
  19. Pool water is being delivered Thursday! Wooooo just in time for some hot weather this weekend. We converted the pool to a salt water system this year, going to save so much on chlorine.
  20. I go out every day and look, nothing. Hoping this weeks warmer weather will help up here, its been way too chilly for weeks.
  21. lots of thunder yesterday afternoon 1pmish. was at a birthday party in New Freedom, PA when a cell formed almost overhead. Constant rumbles. Then another from the south formed near my house and moved northeast, thunder with that one too.
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