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Everything posted by mappy

  1. ugh another cloudy gray day ahead?
  2. our productiveness isn't your concern.
  3. yup. didnt hear the hum this morning at all.
  4. It does! He accepted a job at my company, starts in a couple weeks. Woo weather nerds doing GIS together.
  5. WOOO! I didn't want to share your good news, but congrats! Looking forward to working with you.
  6. Thanks -- periods of rain are better than a washout all weekend.
  7. made it up to 89 yesterday IMBY. Is the holiday weekend still looking wet?
  8. Mr map alerted me that our crabapple tree had a lot on them after he noticed while mowing the lawn. Yay
  9. Yup. Back neighbor has a maple that sits a few feet from our fence, cicadas coming from it, getting to the fence to molt and meeting their end by our dog. lol Did find shells on our weeping cherry and dogwood out front, they weren’t there yesterday when I did my walk around the yard.
  10. I’ll get back to you, not sure if we still need players or not
  11. Our older dog has been stalking the back fence the last three days, won’t come inside, staying out there for hours just pacing the fence. We figured she was waiting for neighbors to come out and give her treats (an older neighbor does this daily, gives the dogs animal crackers). Anyway, we saw her grabbing something off the fence and start eating. While I haven’t walked out to investigate, the kiddo did and said there were cicadas shells on the ground. So our dog is pacing the fence to eat cicadas is seems lol
  12. Crazy how many there are just a minute drive from my house
  13. Noticeable hum in the distance this morning, so while they aren’t in my backyard, they are nearby
  14. Happy for you! Meanwhile, it’s still rather empty imby I’ll be at my kid’s school this morning for baseball, gonna check every tree I can for the buggers lol
  15. oh man, CWG is getting draaaaaaged on twitter this afternoon.
  16. We did have some trees removed once we moved in, a few leelands were damaged in the 2014 ice event we had up this way and they had to go. But I am surprised my oak tree, maples and weeping cherry have nothing on them. They are all fairly established trees, that I assume were here 17 years ago. One would think they'd be here. I cant imagine the previous owners took the time to kill them all (though the wife was a big gardener and its possible she did? LOL) yummy!
  17. I think that one came out of the ground from the tree its on, a shell was nearby. But I welcome all fliers into my yard!
  18. I did a quick walk around the yard, found more shells and an adult on one of the pines out front (technically the tree belongs to our neighbor). Same tree I found shells and the half adult earlier this week. But my big oak tree in the backyard is empty. Weeping cherry out front does have holes in the ground at the base, but I didn't see any on the tree itself.
  19. The school is actually slightly higher elevation than I am, not by much. Her school is a minute drive from my house, and definitely a noticeable uptick this morning compared to yesterday morning when I dropped her off. I could also see them along fences and curbs as I drove home. Ive been meaning to find an aerial image from 2004 for my area to see what trees were here, since we were not living here back then. We have some old and well established trees in the yard, so one would think they'd be here. But just not seeing them
  20. But I am still younger than you! bahahaha, you wish.
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