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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Been a light to moderate steady rain all day. perfect weather to curl up with a book, alas I am working.
  2. steady rain for the last hour or so.
  3. i wish the rain would cut down on the eating. it does not.
  4. mud puddle day for the dogs. my favorite. (said no one)
  5. Thanks, not much I can do. Mr map is out of town and hvac guy hasn’t been by. At least it will be cooler and less humid tomorrow
  6. Yeah usually there some sort of exit to allow for drainage so what your second picture showed, doesn’t happen. With as close as they were to that drain, it’s actually mind boggling they didn’t include that lol
  7. Went out to dinner. Came home to a damp humid house. Ugh
  8. I know the spot your talking about, having worked in that area at my previous job. I never saw high water there either in my 6years working in the city. Hope the car is better in the morning once it dries out. Enjoy your drink Your backyard? That silt fencing should have had a drain area that would lead to that grate.
  9. i feel for you man. it was absolutely pouring when i left hunt valley. can only imagine how much flooding there is.
  10. was a lot of road flooding in Hunt Valley when I left. Can only imagine how bad it is now
  11. Absolutely poured for most of my drive home. Hasn't rained at all here in Parkton.
  12. suddenly started pouring at work. i have no umbrella and have to leave in 20 min. ugh.
  13. well thankfully now you can HEAR properly too.
  14. Thanks guys, once the new circuit board comes in and gets hooked up, we should be fine. Appreciate the good vibes!
  15. this is a hell of a photo
  16. we have a basement, and an attic with no real way to get to it. AC circuit board was fried last week following a power surge/outage. Humidity is back up to 66% this morning in the main part of the house, and it dropped throughout the day yesterday, so could just be an overnight thing. I won't be home today to really keep an eye on it.
  17. oooo skimmer thing for the pool? do you by chance also have a robot vacuum you can recommend? we've been looking for a highly rated one It wouldnt surprise me if I was confused! Thanks friend!
  18. Moved this to banter as to not clog obs. It is my understanding that we do have a fan that often runs when the AC is not putting out cold air. I could be wrong however lol but yes at the moment we can’t turn the ac off, at least I don’t think do. Not that we would right now. I could be confused. I know we can’t turn on the heat, that I remember the hvac guy saying.
  19. is it moving backwards? did you mean NW PA?
  20. Correct, it cycles at it should, fan runs when the ac isn't pumping out cold air. if we were to turn it off though, we wouldn't be able to turn it back on lol HVAC guy never made it out today, but we are managing. Down to 56% in the house now, much nicer than it was this morning. Was cloudy for most the day so that helped.
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