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Everything posted by mappy

  1. mappy

    Winter 2021-22

    no, storm size isn't a parameter when calculating ACE
  2. mappy

    Winter 2021-22

    Are you me from my junior year of college? I did an end of the year project on ACE values from hurricane seasons and their correlation to the winters that follow
  3. Its a good observation. Our 'severe' storms are lame compared to the plains lol. Its also worth noting that we've had two tropical systems come through, prompting quite a few warnings.
  4. I briefly went through only those within LWX out of 50 warnings only 9 produced tornadoes 3 on 5/3 1 on 6/3 2 on 7/1 3 on 9/1
  5. 91L better do its thing and get a move on to the atlantic
  6. Damn right. Did a ton of yard work we’ve been ignoring. After all the rain the weeds came up pretty easily
  7. Homeowner looking out backdoor, tornado is off to his right behind trees but you can hear the roar. 2 min or so later it hits his house, he and dog are in basement. House shakes, alarms going off, pitch black. He comes upstairs and walks to that front of house window to see what just came through. the video is 3:45 min long. That tornado was moving really fast. Scary.
  8. Nightmare fuel. For as much as I love following the weather, I am terrified of tornadoes and flash flooding after seeing everything they can do.
  9. Oops, meant to post this here in banter
  10. The apartments that flooded in Rockville, the water was up to peoples chins in their apartments, and those weren't even underground.
  11. the three that died was an 80 something yr old, the toddler and the toddler's parent (I believe) So yeah, I think in that case you have only one able bodied person to deal with what was happening... so sad.
  12. I read a story last night about a woman in NYC in a 1st floor apartment with water up to her thighs. She reported that a family of three below her all drowned, including a 2-year old. She suspects (based on other reports from those in basement apartments) that the water was coming in so fast that they couldn't open the door to their apartment to get out.
  13. I mean, how do you flee from this? that's not just a trickle of water
  14. at least one. 19 year old drowned in their apartment. not sure if the other person who was unaccounted for was found or not.
  15. Yeah, sounds like between the basement apartment deaths in NY, and those in cars in flooding, everything happened VERY FAST. Not just a trickle of water slowing rising, but a surge of fresh water just flowing into homes and roads. In the moments it happens, I imagine you just freak out and panic and its hard to think straight when thats happening. I can't even imagine what those people went through during their last moments. You can scream until you're blue in the face about the threat, but if people are in cars not listening to a news station that would give them that information, how will they know? Push EAS alerts, send out mass texts, I honestly do not know how you communicate that threat to make sure everyone hears it. I imagine that is almost impossible to do. But I'm not an EM person, obviously, so I don't know the logistics of it all.
  16. I hear you. Hope they are okay regardless.
  17. it seems to have come from behind the driver, so that makes it even worse. No visibility on what is coming from behind. Scary situation no doubt.
  18. its possible they didn't know what was going on. sitting there was probably the safest choice in their mind, especially in a truck.
  19. Yes. But, the discussion the last day has been a good one, especially from an EM side (which I am sure you appreciate). The forecasts were spot on. All the areas hit hard were highlighted as the biggest risk areas, whether from flooding or severe. Communication seems to be an issue. Local news can highlight the risks until they are blue in the face, but if people aren't watching the news they won't hear it. It can be shared on twitter, but if they don't follow those people, they miss it. Too many check a weather app that provides no details other than the alert about a watch/warning (which I imagine many don't click to open and read). Something else needs to be done to get the word out about these events. There is a generational change going on, TikTok/Instagram are bigger platforms than they use to be, and I think Mets need to start considering making videos/reels to share on those platforms to help get the word out better about hazards coming. Also -- it is incredibly difficult to wrap your head around 6-10 inches of rain coming in only a matter of hours. We get it as weather nerds, but most people just cannot comprehend what kind of damage that kind of rainfall can do.
  20. From Mount Holly so far EF2 Fort Washington/Upper Dublin Twp to Horsham Twp PA EF1 in Edgewater Park NJ EF1 in Buckingham Twp PA EF0 in Princeton NJ EF3 Mullica Hill NJ EF1 Upper Makefield Twp PA EF1 Oxford PA
  21. Annapolis tornado prelim EF2 Edgemere/Dundalk Area tornado prelim EF0
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