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Everything posted by mappy

  1. you got more than me! seriously, its okay. you aren't the curse hahaha ours will come friend.
  2. Okay, well I can't help you from being angry about it. Enjoy what you get, could be worse, could be nothing, like me. Take care.
  3. I'm happy for everyone. But ready to track the next one.
  4. Im not upset in the least. Glad you guys are getting some! Hope that back edge holds off a while longer for you!
  5. I think you're fine. 28/21 here, so if the dry air is really making it that far south you'd notice
  6. noted for when i get snow next time and you dont. ill be sure to rub it in on purpose.
  7. theres too much dry air up this way, precip is hitting a wall.
  8. If anyone is tweeting obs/pics please consider the hashtag #LWXSpotter Helps the emergency management folks!
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