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Everything posted by mappy

  1. probably best not to comment on things you know maybe 5% about.
  2. yall want a new thread? this one is quite longer than we usually keep around here.
  3. I know they have one planned up near me. They were still finalizing the exact site last I spoke to EJ about it
  4. Low of 1
  5. Amazing! Post more pics!
  6. But I did manage to get her to wear a coat today. Win!
  7. It didn’t make much of a difference this morning lol was 2° at the normal bus pickup time compared to 5° when she actually got on the bus
  8. Yay another 2hr delay.
  9. High of 15
  10. I did not mind the delay up here. It’s cold. Had the car at the end of the driveway for bus pickup. Was 5° when we were out there.
  11. It was edited. The edited part goes: Hail to the Commanders! Hail Victory! Fight for Our Commanders! Fight for Old D.C.!
  12. Got down to 5 before midnight. Currently 2
  13. Morning low won’t hold. Down to 11, after a high of 22
  14. Maybe a pile. Definitely had more grass than snow before the storm and what snow remained was a half inch at the most.
  15. Yeah both are suspect. All the good bands stayed to my NW yesterday. Occasionally we got into a band but it didn’t last very long. No way someone to my east measured 4
  16. The bands were good to y’all out there today!
  17. Yep, the prolonged greens are staying just to our nw. Snowing outside them, but nothing like in them.
  18. You’ve been under a great band for a bit. I’ve been on the edge
  19. Snow started again in earnest around 1. Temp down to 30. Measured a half inch. Snow globe out there.
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