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Everything posted by mappy

  1. if yall can hang tight for about 10 more minutes, my presence will be greatly diminished for you to do what you please without mom telling ya to chill
  2. I swear we do this at least once a winter. Someone says their point and click doesn't match a weather package and/or map. We explain. Still happens.
  3. Please dont argue with me. You posted your point and click forecast, and used that to say 1-3 because a computer model put those numbers there, not a human who can digest those models and make forecasts. Rely on your advisory wording and LWX snowfall maps.
  4. he was just told to stay in his lane, so I figured I'd give him a push back into it.
  5. Point and click forecasts never match up exactly with the words in products issued to the public. Rely more on the advisory package wording, and their updated snowfalls maps, than your point and click. Point and click are pulled from models and not human entered.
  6. Can we wait until its over before thumping ones chest over calls they've made?
  7. Yup, has clouded up here a lot in the last 30 minutes
  8. OKKKKAY lets not start freaking out over early radar returns yall.
  9. I moved that here anyways. I appreciate you trying though
  10. If you see that a post of yours has disappeared, its now in banter.
  11. can yall get back on track regarding the weather and not generational discussion
  12. can't we just keep obs and stuff here?
  13. you gotta let that shit go man. we are going to see snow. Any amount is better than what we currently have.
  14. red sky at morning, sailors take warning. Its gonna snow yall.
  15. I only missed a few overnight hours of that storm. It started on a Friday so staying up late wasn't a problem, and I woke up well before the sun came up. Events during the week, I just say screw it, sleep is more important and need to be sharp for work the next day.
  16. Pretty much. This whole worldwide issue going on has been wonderful in that I have a reason to stay home without sounding lame
  17. If its still there in the morning, then yes lol Its okay, I'm not offended. I love watching snow fall. I just love sleep more lol
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