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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Happy Thanksgiving friends! Spending the day at home, hosting friends and dog sitting a giant English Mastiff. Makes my three look so tiny lol
  2. Thank you! He's use a RecTec pellet smoker, and he's already got his brine tub ready to go. Ill mention the butter thing!
  3. We are smoking, not deep frying. Something new my husband wants to try with his smoker. We shall see!
  4. Sounds lovely to me. I am not a very good cook, I've only made a real Thanksgiving dinner once. We have friends coming Thursday, and the wife is doing all the heavy lifting on the food. We are smoking the bird. Try and enjoy all the same!
  5. Ha. I do my best every year to will a 12/19 repeat. Ill try extra hard this year for the 12th anniversary.
  6. it was a long night. the 4-6am hours were the worst.
  7. thats the closest i've ever come to winning something i totally guessed at lol
  8. the 6:52 update shows a 6hr temp min of 32
  9. i dont think it did. looking at the 5-min obs, its been 34 since 3:52 https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/timeseries.php?wfo=fgz&sid=KDCA&num=72
  10. Heinicke putting on a show the last two weeks
  11. Let me know what you think when you do watch it. It peaked my interest a little, I'm a fan of sci-fi fantasy. But I am not a big fan of Rosamund Pike, so I worry about how much I will hate her character and that will ruin it for me. I feel like she was terrible in Gone Girl. .... sorry now I am ranting.
  12. I am very much looking forward to when Don't Look Up comes out on Netflix next month. That movie looks fantastic.
  13. I have not read the books, but early reviews of the show were not so great. hope you enjoy it though!
  14. bump. @WxUSAF still my hero. maybe eventually the hint will take
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