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Everything posted by mappy

  1. HAPPY FIRST DAY OF WINTER!!! new season, new profile pic. maybe a snowy landscape will bring good luck. hahahaha, who am I kidding. this winter will suck.
  2. @WxUSAF lol i see we were doing the same thing this morning pinning threads
  3. he has nothing else to do lol
  4. This is how we handle a possibly poor winter. MEMES!
  5. retired andy is going to meme post all winter, isnt he? lol
  6. AWESOME. I bet that was a treat to see in the theater.
  7. yes, I have quietly accepted that this winter will probably suck. I warned everyone weeks ago that I would be a deb hahahaha. But I will try and keep my debness to myself for the sake of everyone else. But yes, I am in daily model check mode now
  8. oh my comment isn't a wait and see what happens. its simply expect nothing and be happy when you get something lol
  9. with all due respect, this doesn't help.
  10. Oy. Its far too early in the season for the testiness to start.
  11. blah. virga round 2, and there's even yellows on radar.
  12. IMO, the best frame of mind is a pessimistic one. then you can't be disappointed when the winter sucks.
  13. it bobbled when he caught it. ball hit the ground
  14. I'm in Hunt Valley today, too. Didn't see any though
  15. there are worst cover bands to be stuck with. and in a bar no less.
  16. totally agree. a win is a win.
  17. Be sure to watch the Washington Seattle game tonight, that will make you all feel better about that ugly win!
  18. Brief pixie dust flurries last night
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