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Everything posted by mappy

  1. aww shucks, thanks. I'm really cool and pleasant to be around, ask @Baltimorewx But whining. GTFO
  2. moving posts is the worst. such a hassle. really need to get you those powers so i don't have to do that grunt work. I love you too boo
  3. he still gets the blame lol
  4. Lets be honest, he knows damn well he needs me to be the mean mod when things get awful. so pffft to terms and conditions lol
  5. you called? PS. just because I did post in this thread does not mean I am abiding by terms and conditions. you get the blame if it fails. sorry that's just how it works.
  6. so, I guess I can't post in the new thread because I can't blame @stormtracker if it fails, if I do. Oh well.
  7. low of 13, car was covered in snow this morning
  8. Let me try and translate: 06z GFS is wild and white for Monday. Good pattern. Good vort passage, periodic chilly in the future. 2-4 is his first guess. then pattern stabilizes at some point later
  9. Yup. Looks fairly light precip too which is even worse.
  10. FWIW, per my winter records. This is my 9th winter in Parkton. My average over the last 8 years is 30.7". I've had one sub-10 year, and the highest was 13/14 with 70". Take our word for it.
  11. Im glad you found a way to enjoy today's snow! On to the next!
  12. Glad I went out and cleaned the cars and walk before the winds picked up. Flizzard conditions when those gusts get going
  13. That happened after I went to bed, though saw the alert in my notifications on my phone when I woke up.
  14. I am happy that you got your first hereford zone snow
  15. Told you it would snow, friend!
  16. Love a snowy landscape just before sunrise
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