I think folks should pay attention to precip totals and not so much snowfall maps. With the mixing possibilities, those snowfall maps aren't going to be correct.
This post goes for many here
If you are giving up on this storm, then get the **** out of the thread and stop cluttering it with your doom and gloom posts.
We don't need to read that shit. Either discuss the models as shown and leave your emotions at door, or get out.
One bad "its a disaster" post and the whole thread derails.
Again, most view snow as IMBY and don't care about anyone or anywhere else. We are the exception to that and it is what it is. I've learned just to shake it off and let people be miserable. That's on them, not us.
Friend, you gotta do what's best for you and sounds like you have. Sure we would all love for you to post more, but I get it. I understand 100%.
Things change, people come and go, dynamics change too. Its okay.
I'm replying to this in banter
But yes. This. I try so hard not to rub whatever snow I get in others faces, knowing full well I live in an area that will usually do better than most.
But snow is very much an IMBY thing and screw everyone else. You and I should know better than to expect others to view it the way that we do.
You're not wrong. Things have def changed over the last few years. People leave, others join and the dynamic changes quite a bit.
You're an OG member, and I am thankful when you do pop in and post your thoughts. But I understand where you're coming from.
Anyway, here is Ava's early thoughts. She showed the Euro during her 6:15 weather hit. And I know Ava, she is not a fan of snow. But even she had excitement in her voice this morning about the possibility.
Was really hard to follow wtf the models did last night, lot of banter to read through.
I don't want storm mode, so this is me, mom, asking yall just to dial it back from an 8 to a 4/5 today regarding banter posts during model runs.
Many thanks
You all have to forgive me. I always expect the least and am hardly ever disappointed when threats don't work out in our favor. I also could care less about how much snow falls. Just falling snow is wonderful.
Sleet can **** right off though.
But doing fine, getting ready for company-wide GIS training session #2, so yay.