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Everything posted by mappy

  1. the front def has juiced up as we get closer to game time Total precip per the NAM at 1pm tomorrow - assume that some starts as rain before any flip to snow
  2. It’s Tuesday, with a potential storm start of Friday night
  3. Anywho, carry on. Just checking in on the meltdowns lol
  4. I can't believe you are either. Don't ruin the vacation vibes already.
  5. I hope Baltimore County does not. Since the start of 2022, my kid has spent more time at home learning, or not having school, than in school. Makes my work days reaaaaalllllyyyyyy stressful.
  6. somewhere in between will be my guess. Places that are cold enough as precip moves in should have no issue with sticking. places further south, it could be 33/34 and snow, not white rain, no road issues.
  7. I don't care how much falls. a fresh snowpack works for me.
  8. FWIW, I don't blame you at all. Sometimes we win some, sometimes we don't.
  9. I keep telling you that in the long term it all works out. but hey, if you wanna think you're a curse, by all means, I can't stop you for being negative.
  10. At least I get a free lunch lol Ha, its okay. Just the way it goes sometimes.
  11. More like a poorly planned 2 hour long project meeting.
  12. Keep them in line, I will be back... just after the Euro finishes up
  13. I'm amazed that so many are discounting the Euro because the GFS doesn't show the same thing. I mean, I get that the GFS has done well recently, but its so odd given its The King. lol weenies
  14. The event hasn't happened yet, no models are right or wrong at this point. It is Tuesday. We just went through a week of watching models do their thing for a week ahead of Sunday's storm. Pull it together weenies.
  15. If the precip is around for it, then yes, I think so.
  16. Ahh cold air chasing precip, always works in our favor.
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