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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Snow is very important. Probably too important for some. Just keep scrolling when it happens, that's what I do. Enjoy the snow you get and that's all that matters. Sorry to hear about your dad, but glad they caught it early, hope he is on the road to feeling better!
  2. Sounds like everyone should be happy I can't follow this threat as usual.
  3. Thanks. Only checking in briefly before I get back to my workload. I dunno, I kind of liked it.
  4. @Baltimorewx @stormtracker and @H2O tell me it may snow. Yay! Sorry I haven't been around to model watch with you all, but bring it home friends!
  5. Friends, I'm going to be taking a break for a bit. Work is crazy insane right now, and frankly, I can't track another 10 day storm. @psuhoffman let me know when I can come back cause we will see snow. Be good weenies.
  6. lol Salisbury isn't so bad. But I'm biased from going to school there, meeting my husband there, and my sister/BIL living there.
  7. A combination of both, I think. Chasing precip as cold air moves in, never works well for us. Precip moves out faster, cold air moves in slower. Regardless, I am happy with seeing snow this morning. Ground is white again, will be cold for the next few days. Could be worse!
  8. elevation for the win. its not even a half inch here, just going to call it a trace
  9. They may be worried about refreezing since temps are dropping
  10. Agreed. I remember when I lived on the east side of Cockeysville, it would be raining at my place while snowing at his hahaha
  11. He's got a little more elevation than the office, probably started snowing at his house before it did at work. Dusting here!
  12. its okay. we hide some posts just to avoid the discussion. It would be best for folks to keep their thoughts to themselves about covid. we've been down this road before, lets not do it again.
  13. 34/32 with snow. they are very melted snow flakes, but snow all the same.
  14. For the school closing? lack of snow? lot to cry over hahaha
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