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Everything posted by mappy

  1. I post here way too much.
  2. its gotten harder over the years to make a good snowfall map because so many stations are not consistent with reporting snow for every event. The national operational hydrology remote sensing center has snowfall maps, and GIS data to download, but its very generalized, because again, lack of stations consistently reporting snowfall. Sucks
  3. Happy Birthday @Always in Zugzwang and @vastateofmind
  4. After yesterdays beautiful day, today sucks. Brisk, windy, cloudy. Stupid March
  5. rain is good for knocking down some early pollen levels. tomorrow looks fantastic.
  6. It really was. I went out to dinner with a friend, and not wearing a coat was fantastic lol
  7. Glad to hear it went well and she's on her way to feeling better!
  8. It’s a good skill to have, being good at math. My kid loves math, which scares me because, well…I’m terrible at it. My late father studied astrophysics in his days before being drafted to Vietnam. He loved it all, eventually became a software engineer. He’d be thrilled to see my kid enjoying math lol Thank you! GIS is a lot more than just making a pretty map. There’s the cartography side of things and having an eye for detail/balance, etc. but the data analysis involved in GIS is fun. Using data and other spatial information to solve problems and then show them in a visually appealing way is satisfying. I’m thrilled with my path, even if I didn’t end up in meteorology as I otherwise had planned.
  9. Oh no! Hope it all goes smoothly, keep me posted please. Feel free to DM hang in there friend.
  10. poor thing! Hope she finds relief soon
  11. at least you made it to calc 2! I had to take statistics twice too lol
  12. sorry. dont reply politically. but lol
  13. lol thats is what our congress is voting on these days?
  14. all the math involved in weather is why i switched to cartography/gis my junior year I had to take calc 101 twice before I said f-it, it's not meant to be
  15. oh my. hope the youngest miss J feels better soon. Hugs momma!
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