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Everything posted by mappy

  1. we are moving along now. i will keep hiding posts if it keeps being discussed. Let me handle Randy privately.
  2. @DDweatherman just stop. the both of you. move along, stop replying to each other. for goodness sakes.
  3. I forgot the terms. Snow is snow friend, no matter the amount.
  4. Hi All -- a request from Management: Lets dial back the banter during model runs today so those reading don't have to wade through a bunch of "OMG" "JAWS!" and Waterboy memes. Once model runs are done, have it. Thanks so much! Mom
  5. A gentle reminder, if you're out, waving a white flag, given up... please don't post in the thread anymore.
  6. I belly laughed Needing a snow fix!
  7. I’m just here for the NAM analysis lol, i think we do need to do better with all the banter during model runs. But people are giddy, so I’m rolling with it.
  8. Yeah we will need to reel it in soon I think.
  9. I’m skipping Stardew tonight for Randy’s NAM model analysis oy
  10. He’s got nothing better to do in retirement lol
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