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Everything posted by mappy

  1. It’s unfortunate that the guy who tweeted that to Pann, stole it from someone much funnier and wittier than that guy will ever be.
  2. He’s correct though. Bourbon is whiskey, but with more grain and in new aged barrels. Whiskey is less grain and any barrel can be used regardless if it was used with another spirit. That’s fair. I’m a bourbon/whiskey gal, and sloppy vodka drunk
  3. Bourbon/Whiskey, Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Gin have never had cognac or moonshine to know where they’d rank
  4. No, just explaining. But also mentioned that all models are struggling with the initial cyclogenesis and no model is better than any others at this point.
  5. Yeah, he’s an establishment at this point. I am obviously biased when it comes to Ava since we are friends, but she really is wonderful. She’s really gotten comfortable in her time slot, her knowledge and her on air presence. She’s very involved in the community, doing school visits, STEM fairs and the like. I hope she stays for a while, too. Bob Turk shouldn’t be on tv. Lol.
  6. He was explaining why the gfs and nam did what they did with the low, due to the new disturbance traveling across Florida and killing low level winds, thus the low not deepening as it otherwise would given the set up. I get it.
  7. But…you are? Randy isn’t far behind you, I will get to call him old soon enough.
  8. He’s so hard to read sometimes. In the early Jan events he discounted every snowier model and went low. Now he’s showing the euro, that’s performed horribly this winter…and also just happens to show the snowiest amounts. I don’t get it. Ava is cautious and very good at laying out the possibilities, but will often have to follow Toms lead on his forecasts. She went low in the early events too and got a lot of crap on social media about it afterwards. Grr.
  9. Was just coming to post this too, very good thread You know I kid. Maybe. Maybe one grace winter before we discuss his membership
  10. Tommy T showing the euro on air. Guessing he doesn’t believe the gfs
  11. If we fail again I may start to blame you and your move
  12. **** the Mercator projection
  13. I can’t look at them without my blood pressure rising
  14. We were all beginners once. Some never learn, others get it rather quickly. FWIW, I enjoy your posts when you make them!
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