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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Beautiful out there this morning. Looking forward to cooler temps tomorrow morning
  2. Mr Map said the storms the other night missed the house. Hoping for a little something tonight if it holds together. Much muggier in MD when I got home last night compared to NY lol
  3. Never got out of the 70s in Syracuse today. Beautiful evening to walk around and get dinner.
  4. In Syracuse for work, it’s a cool 71
  5. Middle school now. I feel old. She did! Though hates being up at 5:30 to catch the bus at 6:45 lol
  6. Low of 61. Not too bad out there while standing with the kid to wait for her bus
  7. A beautiful evening at Big Truck
  8. Temp ended dropping to 48 this morning. A beautiful 75 out there right now. Been amazing having the windows opened the last few days.
  9. Enjoy it! They grow up too fast.
  10. 49 currently. Have to wait for the bus to pick up my 6th grader for early entry day. Not quite ready for her to be in middle school.
  11. Low of 49. High was only 68 yesterday. Shame the cooler temps won’t last.
  12. .15 yesterday. Low of 59 this morning.
  13. And yet flooding issues occurred elsewhere under the watch.
  14. Yeah when the storms first popped and merged together they were just to my southeast. Could hear thunder for quite some time but no rain. Eventually it expanded and I got some rain. Another storm came up from the south around 11 to rain some more.
  15. Oh goodie, leaving in 10 min to head west towards the tornado warning haha
  16. Precip expanding east, heavy downpour right now. Should be a fun drive west to Westminster this morning to drop mini-map off at a dance camp.
  17. @H2O is in that tornado warning south of DC
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