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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. Yeah they're going with 34 for ewr but I'm thinking more like 37 or 38. 28-32 everywhere else
  2. Probably back to 70 by next Saturday
  3. 8 dry days and about an inch in last 2 weeks
  4. Just some sprinkles. Could actually use some rain
  5. Pretty much. We could be 77 on Thanksgiving or 72 on Christmas eve even after a long stretch of below average temps
  6. Nam late morning through early evening
  7. Yeah there's a lot of model disagreement for sure. Probably won't know til we look at the radar in the morning
  8. Euro is very wet tomorrow morning and afternoon. Hrrr has rain in the morning too
  9. Gfs has it raining by late morning. Nam is fairly dry
  10. The foliage in the NC mountains was crazy this weekend. Everyone in the state was on the blue ridge parkway from asheville to blowing rock. Never seen anything like it. Unfortunately we hit a buck on one of those backroads. Did quite a bit of damage to the passenger door and mirror but were able to drive it home
  11. Huge bust by the models. This was supposed to be a tropical storm. Instead it's cat 5
  12. 75 in Central nj. 80 seems like a longshot
  13. Pouring at ewr waiting to take off
  14. 28th or 29th wasn't it? And the point being that October snow generally spells bad news for the rest of the winter
  15. And October and November 97 were below average so careful what you wish for
  16. We could have this ...it was PHLs biggest snowfall of the season
  17. I have a 730 flight tomorrow morning..of course the models are differing as to the start time of the rain. 5amish on the euro. 8 or 9 on the nam
  18. https://nynjpaweather.com/public/2023/10/17/winter-forecast-2023-2024/ OVERALL SNOWFALL EXPECTATION: Poconos/Catskills/Hudson River Valley/Hudson Highlands: 20″-30″ (Average: 40″-70″) I-95 Corridor: 30″-50″ (Average: 20″-40″) NJ Coast/Long Island: 20″-40″ (Average: 15″-30″)
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