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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. Lightly raining but it's finally more than just sprinkles or drizzle
  2. And the rgem is wet again but it's not been great lately
  3. The Mets would have to go from Atlanta to Milwaukee back to Atlanta for a DH Monday then possibly back to Milwaukee Tuesday or out west to SD
  4. Hrrr is decently wet north and west of the city
  5. Rgem is .5 to 1" city on west but hasn't been reliable of late
  6. Nam is fairly wet while 3k favors nw areas
  7. It's kinda funny all the talk of a major hurricane and it's not even named yet.
  8. I haven't worn my heavy coat since January 2022
  9. 12z Cmc looks good west of city and especially gfs areawide
  10. Nam is fairly wet now. 3knam not as wet but still has something unlike last week I'd settle for .25"
  11. More sun and dry conditions pretty much always mean temps will overperform
  12. Considering it's recent performance maybe that's a good thing
  13. It's sad if we can't even get a half inch to at least break the dry spell Ukie misses completely
  14. Icon got drier but gfs still pretty wet through Friday esp city west
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