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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. Should make it to 62 or 63 today. Hard to believe two years ago we hit 80 though
  2. Paul McCartney spotted enjoying the nice weather in metuchen today Far way from Abbey Road, Sir Paul McCartney spent his Sunday afternoon strolling down Main Street Metuchen, snapping photos of the small Middlesex town.
  3. Another +5 month incoming Trace of snow on the 29th At least 2 days above 75 Dry month <2"
  4. If only we got those late Feb early march storms in 2014 that were suppressed
  5. I hate when the forecast just says Rain. Like is it heavy light showery periods? Now it says 40% chance of light rain
  6. We never had 4 or 5 in row like this year. Managed at least 15-20" most winters in the 80s. We came close to back to back under 10" winters from 96-98
  7. Earthlight tweeted about this yesterday
  8. I definitely remember that storm. I was at my summer job at GM and it got dark as night. It was an unusual midday event
  9. Today's still above normal with the midnight high but we should be in the low 20s by tonight to get to a -2 or 3
  10. This winter that sounds about right. I'll head to my parents in myrtle beach
  11. Seems like it's been a good rainfall but ewr is stuck at .35"
  12. They might be out by April at this rate
  13. Yeah winter was long over by that point and I doubt any of that even stuck to pavement. But it still counted and kept us from breaking the record
  14. If I recall it melted in 6 hours. I remember waking up to a couple slushy inches. It was a surprise as the night before it was forecast to stay rain and maybe end as snow showers
  15. It has 60s next Wednesday. That I'd believe
  16. Its likely going to just be a continuation of drab miserable weather
  17. And somehow only 3" of precip has fallen since Jan 1st
  18. If the euro or ukie doesn't have a snowstorm we need to just ignore the threat
  19. 10 years ago today. Was supposed to be more blizzard like but temps ended up 32-33 the whole time with little wind. Got 14" of heavy wet paste. Biggest storm of the winter and since 2006.
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