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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. I'm trying to think of a good spot with unobstructed western views to watch it arrive
  2. Something interesting I noticed. If NYC doesn't drop below 30 by midnight there will no days with highs in the 20s for the month but there will be 2 days with highs in the teens. Seems unusual
  3. Yeah as I was heading back east it went from heavy snow to next to nothing rather quickly
  4. Visibility about one eighth of a mile about 10 miles east of Phillipsburg. 78 starting to get covered
  5. 34 and moderate snow. On Route 78 West near Round Valley
  6. most thunderstorms only last about that long. Its more about the intensity and rapid drop in visibility than accumulation
  7. 1/19/94 I was in -15 degree air and that was at noon with light winds. Any exposed skin just feels like needles are being stuck in your skin
  8. yeah but afternoon temps were supposed to be 36-38 as of this morning. EWR stayed around 30-31
  9. and today it was colder than forecast. Was supposed to be upper 30s and didn't even hit freezing
  10. I do recall a certain forecaster saying winter was over last year in mid February
  11. Ironically I fell on the ice and fractured my elbow that winter. Its like the one icy day we get and I manage to fall
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