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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. Down in Central NJ and the mid Atlantic that Brood was massive
  2. Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0659 NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD 1253 PM EDT Thu Jul 29 2021 Areas affected...Southern New England...Northeast Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible Valid 291651Z - 292251Z Summary...Thunderstorms expected to develop this afternoon could pose a localized flash flood risk with some hourly totals between 1-2" at times. Discussion...An approaching line of storms from western/central Pennsylvania may begin to grow upscale and strengthen as it approaches the urban corridor of southern NY, NJ, and eastern PA where some breaks in cloud cover and daytime heating will contribute to an axis of sufficient instability within an axis of higher moisture transport. Current visible satellite shows some breaks in cloud cover this hour while regional radar had a weakened line of showers and thunderstorms over western/central PA. That activity is struggling with lack of instability but to the east, the area is becoming increasingly unstable. This could allow for the line to strengthen with an increase in rain rates. The 15Z HRRR shows potential for isolated 2-3" totals in and around the NYC metro and this lines up with the 12Z HREF which suggested potential for totals to exceed the 5 year ARI. While the storms should be relatively progressive and will limit widespread flash flood threat, some localized instances of flash flooding will be possible, especially for the highly urbanized corridor.
  3. Let's get LGA into the upper 50s then it might be impressive
  4. My inlaws in cottonwood AZ have had 7.9" in the past 7 days. Unfortunately someone was swept away by the floodwaters last night
  5. Who's expecting a below normal season?
  6. And too many people living and moving to the southwest
  7. There's a thin line heading my way but by no means severe. It'll probably blow up south and east of me
  8. Thurs thru Sat looks like an amazing stretch of late July weather with highs in the mid 80s and dews in the 50s
  9. I believe the ripples in the water are causing the sun to reflect multiple times
  10. Visibility down to 2 to 3 miles in some locations
  11. Actually feels somewhat tolerable outside
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