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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. He was correct with his 80s predictions for yesterday
  2. 70 now. In between the upper 70s to my west and low 60s to the east
  3. I expect full leaf out here in 2 to 3 weeks
  4. But we're in a cool 3 week period after some warm stretches in early to mid March
  5. Right, the humidity will save us from hitting triple digits as often but we'll continue to see more 90s with higher dews
  6. Storm will miss to my west but still getting lots of vivid lightning
  7. Lots of lightning with the storms in PA
  8. Most of the models missed this initial heavy batch of rain
  9. models had .5 to 1" so pretty much on target though on the lower end
  10. The gfs nam and euro seem to agree on at least .5 perhaps up to 1" for each round
  11. Yeah we'll likely go from the 50s straight to the 80s and back
  12. But it was much worse not too far to the south. Philly had half nyc's snowfall and DC had very little. I was fortunate to be in state college for most of it and got over 110"
  13. 5%-ots 30%-coast hugger 5%-classic Blizzard 60%-inland runner
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