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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. I'm guilty of it as well but the nam really shouldn't be used or even discussed outside of 48 hours and even then it's not reliable ...and yes I know it nailed 2016
  2. Who wants to create the February thread?
  3. It's 2 degrees warmer at 18z when the snow has just gotten underway than what 06z was showing
  4. Euro warmer and less snow wednesday
  5. This month has been much more similar to the late 90s particularly 97-98 even though that was a super nino
  6. It will go to shit by Tuesday
  7. It's a winter wonderland compared to further east
  8. I'd take the nam in a heartbeat for Wednesday
  9. Nice and torchy to start February. Maybe we'll sneak out a 60
  10. Nam is trolling us again for Wednesday
  11. The difference is the cold doesn't disappear in the long range like it had been showing. It reloads for early Feb but who knows at this point if it'll be right
  12. Gfs groundhog day rainstorm. Seems appropriate somehow
  13. Pouring...no thunder though A few rumbles now
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