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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. Hrrr shifted east a bit but still good hit for the metro
  2. Rgem is nothing like the others
  3. 18z hrrr coming in super wet again
  4. I mean maybe but with 3knam and hrrr being so wet it's hard to discount that solution
  5. Cmc wetter east of the city but drier elsewhere
  6. Gfs also west but less on the western edge
  7. At least it's not winter
  8. Well not only that but you have the nam with 0 for nyc and the 3knam with 2+". One is going to bust hard
  9. No rain no severe no heat. Just sun and pollen
  10. At this rate I'll be happy with .25"
  11. Rgem shifted east again. Nice hit for suffolk
  12. 59 for a high so far at ewr. Impressive for a sunny mid to late may day
  13. Cmc still wet...I'm leaning towards under .25" for anyone west of the city
  14. Rgem seems to finally be caving to the euro and America guidance but is still quite a bit wetter
  15. Looks like a toasty memorial day weekend
  16. Cmc looks wet like rgem. Ukie dry
  17. Rgem coming in fairly wet through Saturday evening and still raining
  18. The euro just came in very wet so we'll see
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