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Everything posted by Euripides

  1. Until we all see it happening we all hold our breath waiting for it. Everyone is very skeptical as the area has been screwed a few times already.
  2. Same and would be happy if even 1/2 those amounts verified.
  3. Lol as a minor slip up as I thought September is the new August now anyway So nice to see steady rain falling for the first time in a long time and not a burst of heavy rain for 10 to 15 minutes (if at that) from a passing thunderstorm for those lucky enough to get a few of those the past two months plus. Some areas did better with T-storms and some did worse. Would put my area in the middle.
  4. Will take what we got as it was something for the lawns, definitely not enough for the trees though.
  5. I am at the point where I do not trust any model output for any rain amounts. Kudos to those who were able to get some decent amounts. Big bust for most.
  6. I was not paying attention yesterday as what is supposed to rain this morning? Woke up to nice rain coming down and see on radar that it is a nice heathy batch over a chunk of NJ and heading into LI. ‘Nice surprise to wake up to
  7. I had a cell go over the area with some nice heavy rain, no thunder or lighting. Now a super mugfest out there right now. Just happy everything got a decent watering as we lucked out last Thursday evening and now with this one. Wait and see if more widespread for more for everyone later this evening.
  8. Had a feeling that was going to happen. So glad I and a few others lucked out with the rain yesterday evening.
  9. Finally got two rounds of heavy rain, lightning and thunder. Third batch is light with some flashes
  10. Ouch as looks like just going a few blocks to your north and northeast was a different story.
  11. Sun is breaking though by me. Wishful thinking at this point to cause enough instability as storms just do not want to fire up for my and other areas around me. Someone has an anti rain shield in central NJ.
  12. Ugh as some parts on Staten Island got three rounds per radar. Any chance you are closer to Outer Bridge crossing or southwest Staten Island at that area seemed to get the least? I feel your pain.
  13. Staten Island says game on for some needed rain there.
  14. More storms are firing up in Western NJ and heading east towards Manhattan, Bronx and north shore of Long Island if they hold together. Can't even gets showers down here.....sigh.
  15. Sigh as sprinklers again this evening it is.
  16. Residents in 7 N.J. counties asked to restrict water usage during sweltering heat wave
  17. And on Long Island which makes it even more impressive.
  18. Yep, as we can't get anything over here either. There was a brief pop up on the radar but it went poof.
  19. Sigh as I can't get a storm over my area to water anything over the past few days. The little bit that fell Saturday night was barely enough to dampen the ground. Will have to give a good watering with the sprinklers later on unless something pops and crosses the area. My luck I finish both front and back and one storm makes it. So be it......
  20. I use this one. You can switch radars sites if needed. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/index.php?type=DIX-N0Q-0-48
  21. What a roller coaster ride for NYC area with the teasing yesterday and last night of coming west to now go back east.
  22. So we get some of the other models to come back onboard and the GFS still won't budge and looks even worse? I just can't believe how different the #1 and #2 modes are doing with this with 2 days to go.
  23. Yeah we were on pace to break record and then nada for February and March. That January was the only time sidewalks looked like planet Hoth trenches, lol Weenie in me hope it comes back but honestly with some recent health issues now I would settle for a few inches to just look like winter and not have to kill myself with the cleanup. You know it is bad when the snow blower acts like a walker for you. Oof
  24. My bad as I am off an extra day so when I watched her the blizzard was back on maps and weather boards but she did not realize it yet giving forecast 24 hour prior to it.
  25. Didn't Boxing day blizzard models two days prior go out to sea only to come back the day before. I still remember Janice Huff saying an inch or two and was like wow you did not check the updates.
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