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Everything posted by cheese007

  1. Lots of clearing in the UTDallas area now. Getting a little nervous EDIT: attatched pic of what I'm talking about
  2. Sun peaking out in the UTD area. Gonna ride the storms out here since I have a 2nd floor apartment
  3. Looks like we're in for another cold rain event late next week for DFW per the AFD. Can hardly wait...
  4. Genuinely surprised they removed the sig tor contour
  5. Wondering if I should find a way to skip out on orientation tomorrow considering I'd be on the road from 2:15 to 4:15 between Fort Worth and Dallas when it ends
  6. I'll be driving from about the dead center of Tarrant to far north Dallas. In a convertible of all things
  7. Not looking forward to my drive from Fort Worth to Dallas around 2 - 3 PM tomorrow
  8. Significant northward expansion of the hatched area as well. Also big ENH with sig severe hatched for day 3 encompassing most of MS and AL
  9. Big sig severe contour in the southern portion of the enhanced risk. Includes 7 million+ folks. 30% across MS/AL for D4 as well
  10. March 4th-5th of that year was the last one. Funnily enough it was the 4th largest 24 hour snowfall in March at DFW on record. Not the kind of thing that you would expect to kick off a record snow drought
  11. 30% contour added for Saturday. Severe season looking to be off to one hall of an early start
  12. 30% contour added for D5. Don't see that too often in January
  13. Coldest highs for DFW in most 10 day forecasts are in the upper 50s at the coldest. Might hit the 70s later this week. Makes me dread the summer
  14. Dallas is in the midst of its longest snowless streak on record. Previous was 4 years and this winter is looking to extend that to 5
  15. 9th warmest Christmas on record for DFW. 5th winter straight with no snowfall is looking ever more likely
  16. Don't even have any precip here and I'm supposedly right under a snow band
  17. It's amazing how close DFW comes to a decent event only for temps to end up juuuust warm enough for snow not to fall. Still an outside chance something falls tonight and it's not even technically winter yet
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