More cold but not cold enough precip in store for next week. Looking like the 2nd February in a row with above average precip with no eintry weather to show for it
Can't believe a DFW winter event fell apart within 24 hours of when it was supoosed to occur and we'll be left with 33 degree cold rain. Who could have seen that coming? Just bring on spring already and put this winter out of its misery
Latest AFD mentions that the Tarrant/Denton county lines will likely be the dividing one between wintry precip and cold rain. Local forecast has had temps shited up 4-5 degrees. Can't catch a break
Someone in the other thread mentioned a NW shift with the GFS. Seems to be a trend with the increased cold/moisture. Wouldn't get hopes up quite yet (though will agree this is the most interesting setup in years)