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Everything posted by cheese007

  1. And right as I posted it tightened up again heading into Peachtree
  2. 11Alive saying the tornado has weakened significantly
  3. Especially since GA wasn't exactly expected to be the main show today
  4. I seem to recall not warning tornadoes being an issue for that office? Maybe another? Feels like this discussion has been had before
  5. Going through a somewhat densely populated area
  6. Tornado back on Humphress stream. Huge, fast moving wedge
  7. Tor on Hunmphress stream crossing the highway
  8. Humphress seems to have a large wedge as well
  9. Copic seemed to briefly have a *huge* wedge on stream
  10. Might be two areas of rotation? Hard to tell
  11. Possible tor on John Humphress stream. Looks pretty messy
  12. This is an aside but I am shocked your username was not taken before this year lol
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