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About PackGrad05

  • Birthday 06/08/1983

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Willow Spring, NC

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  1. The last 20 minutes has absolutely ripped here in southern wake. We've gained an inch in just 20 minutes!!!
  2. Dusting of snow. All sleet now and some freezing rain
  3. We've had nothing but freezing/rain sleet in southern Wake near Fuquay for the past hour.
  4. HRRR is dissipating the Thursday morning band... However, it is extending the duration of precip from this first round tonight.
  5. HRRR trends have definitely been to increase the western expanse of the precipitation and to build it back in for a slightly longer duration event.
  6. The 01 and 02 HRRR is picking up on a really nice banding, especially southern Wake
  7. Remember only one model is really showing that problem. HRRR doesn't look bad at all. PLUS, this only affects initial moisture transport for the front end thump... Once the low spins up off the coast, moisture will easily feed back west.
  8. Thursday morning could be better for the Triangle than Wednesday afternoon
  9. Currently the NAM is the only one really showing it. and central NC still has 1-2 inches which is what most local mets are maxing out at anyway.
  10. Model is depicting loss of moisture from storms to south. Mike maze said he’s watching .
  11. The convection would only impact moisture on the front end for foothills. Once the low spins up off the coast that’s when central nc gets most precipitation anyway .
  12. Mike maze just mentioned the storms blocking moisture transport .
  13. I think RAL is too high for south wake. They should have kept their original dusting to one inch. .
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