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Everything posted by ForestHillWx

  1. Hit 30 out here in west/central North Jersey.
  2. 30 for the low at 7:00 am. 41 currently. Feels great, with full sun. Leaf clean up in full effect.
  3. Over .75" now. Heavy rain continues. Should crack 1" by the time it wraps.
  4. 38 in Chester. Spotted a nice 6-pt strolling through the yard. The rut is on.
  5. Rainy October Sunday is ok. Need it anyway. Stew is simmering; hopefully the games are watchable today; Thursday night was abysmal.
  6. 39 currently. Clouds have moved in. At least yesterday was an excellent outdoor day.
  7. 40 here currently. Progged lows of 32 Thursday/Friday. Could be the end of the growing season for me.
  8. We need a good soaking. Been a rather dry fall. Thankfully spring and most of summer were wet.
  9. Down it goes on temps out this way. Just finished mowing and it was rather cool. 47 now.
  10. Progged low of 35 tomorrow night. Should be interesting. Nice, gentle rains continue to fall. Just in time.
  11. I haven't been following much of late. How do the prospects for rain look?
  12. That will lay down some pretty significant snow pack in Canada and Russia/Siberia. Time will tell if it will trickle down.
  13. Other than the black walnuts changing colors/dropping leaves it still looks lush out this way. Yard is getting mowed weekly.
  14. Looks like south jersey is getting some of the outer limits of Dorian now. Seems he dumped quite prolific rains in the Carolinas.
  15. 58. Tomorrow night progged lower. First 40s of late summer?
  16. No storms out this way, but an excellent sunset. Too humid for my liking though.
  17. Pretty much a perfect late summer evening out this way. 77 degrees. Low humidity. Scattered cumulonimbus.
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