With all due respect, that statement is dripping in irony.
It's rather a microcosm of how divided this nation is rapidly becoming. All sides are to blame.
Debate and discourse is healthy in my opinion. Its unfortunate that both sides cannot have a dialog on a sensitive issue without devolving to ad hominem.
Anyway, Merry Christmas and back to weather...
Makes sense. Randolph at .33" or so; I'm 5 miles west and have at least .25" maybe more. A decent amount of snapped limbs, old diseases trees are down.
31 with continued light freezing mist. Everything is covered in ice. Looks like an 1/8 to 1/4. Thankfully nothing has come down yet.
Driveway is an ice rink though.
30/22 back home in Chester.
Freezing rain is not fun when your area is primarily serviced by overhead power lines, which in turn enable well pumps and oil furnaces to operate.
Same out this way. Trees, including white pines, still have snow. Not to mention the 4" compacted on the ground.
I understand the city and points east have limited snow retention ability, but that was a rather broad statement to be made.
2014-2015 winter was very cold. The first in our Chester house. I distinctly remember what the gutters looked like loaded with ice/snow and monster icicles.
Closing in on 9" here. There's no wind. The amount of snowload on the trees has me somewhat concerned for power outages if we do get wind.
Light snow continues.