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Everything posted by ForestHillWx

  1. Surprised how quiet the threads are with a tropical storm at the door. If this was winter I would expect pages of overnight posts. Im looking forward to the deluge. We need it.
  2. Decent rains in southwest Morris. Not much wind/thunder. Dad at work in Maywood texted 1/2-3/4" hail was falling.
  3. Had that storm hitting Princeton now. Got some good rain, decent lightening/thunder. No hail, no wind.
  4. And all day today. My 3.5 year old was just running around in it going nuts. Pretty surreal to see with flowers in bloom in the field next to our property.
  5. Fantastic event, though I was too far west to get in on the good band by the time the cold was established. Oh well. Its 30 frickin degrees right now with full sun on May 9.
  6. Legit car topper here. For an otherwise crappy few weeks, this is cool to see. Current temp 34. Progged low of 27. Good thing I haven't planted yet.
  7. Impressive rain total so far. Well over 2.5". Not much wind, but as the cells continue to hit winds noticeably increase.
  8. Woke up to snow on roofs/lawns/cars. Close to 1/4"
  9. Light snow continues, dusting on the lawn/trees. The snow made my 3.5 year old very happy to see when she woke up. The innocence of youth... As CP said, a nice diversion.
  10. Woke up to find it briefly snowing with a dusting on all surfaces, including the road. 2:30 am. Temp is 25 degrees.
  11. Spring fever today; put the nail in this winter and let's get outside. I'm itching to start spring clean up.
  12. Heavy snow in Chester/Randolph. 32. Roads are ok, some slush. 1/2" on most other surfaces.
  13. Woke up to find a surprise dusting of snow. Pleasant to see on Groundhog Day.
  14. Fair amount of hyperbole going on. Even if the anomalies are positive, in the dead of winter, the temps are still cold. We have a crap pattern. Hopefully that changes.
  15. I'm just looking for a storm. A good old fashioned coastal wind up. Maybe it will be powerful enough to kink the flow for future events.
  16. 15/9. I didn't expect it to get this cold with last nights cirrus layer.
  17. That's a cold look....for Anchorage. No worries for me, I love snow/cold as much as the rest, but if I can save some money on heating oil, so be it.
  18. It looks like winter outside in my area. 32 degrees wit snow cover.
  19. Just shoveled a 1/2" of snow/sleet that accumulated in the last 2 hours. Mostly sleet now. Still 22
  20. 2" here with this last push. Still coming down. 21/20 here
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