Surprised how quiet the threads are with a tropical storm at the door. If this was winter I would expect pages of overnight posts.
Im looking forward to the deluge. We need it.
And all day today. My 3.5 year old was just running around in it going nuts. Pretty surreal to see with flowers in bloom in the field next to our property.
Fantastic event, though I was too far west to get in on the good band by the time the cold was established. Oh well.
Its 30 frickin degrees right now with full sun on May 9.
Light snow continues, dusting on the lawn/trees.
The snow made my 3.5 year old very happy to see when she woke up. The innocence of youth... As CP said, a nice diversion.
Fair amount of hyperbole going on. Even if the anomalies are positive, in the dead of winter, the temps are still cold. We have a crap pattern. Hopefully that changes.