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Everything posted by ForestHillWx

  1. Wait, I thought winter cancel?
  2. 28 here, 20 at the base of the hill. These low temp inversions have been interesting to track this month.
  3. Looks like a 10 degree spread here from top of the hill at 12, to the pit in Gladstone at 2.
  4. 28 down here…heat wave comparatively.
  5. Ha. Well semantics aside, as your point is in support of RJays post as compared to a counter, I’m glad you have access to the vaccines and I’m glad you have benefited from them. I’m not anti-vax, I do bristle at mandates however; and the past 4 years are still ripe in my mind.
  6. I know you write this sarcastically, and it will never be scientifically proven, but as someone not vaxed (covid or flu), and who had the OG covid, I have thankfully not been nearly as ill since then, as many of my colleagues, friends or family members who do take all vaccines and boosters. Anyway, not looking to debate it, just thought a converse point to balance this out is warranted. @LibertyBellis correct though, basic hygiene goes a long way.
  7. 14 here presently. Might be single digits again.
  8. Down to 5. In the valley it’s looking like anywhere from 1-3 at the moment.
  9. Down to 10. Should bottom at or near zero tonight.
  10. -4 in Chester; seeing -6/-7 down in Gladstone. Man cold.
  11. Looks like a 5-10 degree spread here from the top of the hill in Chester at 3 to -6 down in Gladstone. Tonight should be colder.
  12. 2 local sites have 7/-7. The valley locations are even colder.
  13. I’m going to keep replying to you as we are basically neighbors in Morris County; this will be the biggest event of the season for our area thus far. Enjoy it and don’t get lost in the model to model differences. 6+” coming for us in my humble opinion.
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