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Everything posted by ForestHillWx

  1. Snowing in chester. Looks like winter; spoiled getting snow 3 of the past 5 days.
  2. My dad in VA has 12-14”; finished with sleet this morning. Pics he sent supports it.
  3. Great storm for you guys. My dad estimates 12-14”, finished with an hour of sleet/rain this morning. Pics he sent me bear it out.
  4. Plenty of time for Friday; it might hug or it might cut. But at least it’s something to track.
  5. 1.25” in Chester; somewhat surprised to get that much. Had to shovel the front walkway for the kids to get to the bus.
  6. Wish I knew how to compress images. Dad sent a pic, he lives northwest of Lexington, VA and had 10” at 5:00; he’s over a foot now.
  7. Wish I was better at posting. Dad just sent a good photo. He’s measuring 10” just northwest of Lexington.
  8. Rockbridge sounds familiar, north of Kerr’s Creek; candidly haven’t made the drive yet with the 3 kiddos.
  9. Parents now live northwest of Lexington, VA; they are looking at 5-8”+. Snow has started and all surfaces covered.
  10. Good luck down there. My parents now live northwest of Lexington; they said are looking at 5-8” with snow on the ground already.
  11. Good Lord does this forum need a snowstorm…
  12. 25/23 here. I can hear some pingers. Maybe it flips back when the heavier rates get over head. Roads were brined, and the salt truck just passed the house so they are taking this seriously in my town thankfully.
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