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Everything posted by ForestHillWx

  1. 14 here at the moment; last teens for lows until next winter?
  2. Just to play devils advocate, and with the risk of committing heresy, according to the Times article today, NOAA employs approximately 13k people; 800 were let go. Could more cuts be coming, of course. But perhaps it will be ok… and if it isn’t, the electorate can go another direction in 2026.
  3. Ice fishing in full force out this way. Musconetcong, Cranbury, Culver’s Lake all in deep winter, with numerous people out; great to see. This winter has made me realize how vastly different my local is from points east.
  4. Just did a quick up and back to the Kartrite water park with the kids. Packed, but the kids had fun. Once you get north of Port Jervis on Rt. 42 the snow pack builds considerably. I have some grass showing down this way, which should melt out this week.
  5. Ah, back to the cold debate. It’s been cold in my area; snow cover has been long lasting during multiple runs. Had multiple below zero nights and the Delaware froze south of Trenton…We keep moving goal posts to suit the narrative. March is a transition month; are we guaranteed snow, of course not, but the probabilities are in our favor.
  6. Still snowing here; currier and Ives as written in the New England forum. Damn close to an 1”.
  7. Snow in Basking Ridge at the office and at home in Chester per wife. All roads covered. Sun is peaking through the clouds at times; neat.
  8. Dad in Lexington, VA reports another 1” and snoring currently at 18 degrees. That’s 18” on the month.
  9. Per my dad in Lexington, VA; snow and closing in on 2”. Puts him over 16” for the month!
  10. 13/1 currently. Cold AF putting out trash and getting magnesium chloride on the remaining sections of the glacier on our driveway.
  11. 13/-2 here. Colder than I expected.
  12. We lost power at 8:45 am. Hopefully get it back before the house gets too cold.
  13. Jesus this thread… it’s small changes in input data upstream leading to amplified outcomes here. Maybe it phases in time, maybe not…but glacial melt water effecting future storms? Maybe that’s better left for another thread…
  14. 35/34 now. Precip has thankfully slowed to a drizzle.
  15. 34 here now; thankfully that heavy rain has moved east. Just got back in from chopping channels into the snow backs/ice to get the water to drain around the garage.
  16. I have linden branches down, that are thankfully a very light wood. White pines are really starting to sag, but I am primarily concerned about the dead ashes that I haven’t had a chance to drop yet.
  17. 32/31 here. Looks like 287 is the dividing line between the freezing/above temps. It’s got that glazed look outside…
  18. Hopefully no one’s neck broke with the whiplash of chasing model runs. Weather is chaotic; for now be confident the players might get on the field in time to give us a chance.
  19. Moderate snow in Chester; 1.5” down, all roads covered. Just came back from Hackettstown over Schooleys Mt and the road is ok, but the truck slide a bit on the turns.
  20. Went from flurries to a light snow at 1:00. Earlier than I thought. Small flake size. Temp 30; DP: 19 so should drop a degree or two from here.
  21. 26/11 in Chester; point and click has 1-3”, followed by ice before the wind and rain tomorrow.
  22. Don, I do appreciate how diplomatic you are in your posts. “Model adjustment”… Here’s hoping the Euro is right…long way to go.
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