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catoctin wx

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Everything posted by catoctin wx

  1. Been holding very steady at 30.7 all morning. Starting to drizzle now.
  2. Been below freezing since about 6pm yesterday (after only making it to 37) so the ground here should be sufficiently cool. I'll take whatever I can get at this point.
  3. Speeding down the highway towards Trever Lawrence and his flowing hair. Can't wait to see them destroy another young QB within 2 years.
  4. Awesome! Great choice to set up today! Just dumping snow here in Frederick. Easily over 2 inches so far .
  5. This is a weathering and parenting A+
  6. I've been away for so long that I need to reorient myself to the weenie meltdown craziness. The kids are going to be turned up to 11 today so the earlier the snow starts the better
  7. Went to college with Christine, she is wonderful
  8. Going to be a bumpy ride but I still feel ok (for now) in Frederick. Seems like most of the maps have the worst gradient around Germantown with Sugarloaf Mountain acting as a nice barrier for us up here. Currently at 27.1 / 21.2 with an up and down day forecast
  9. Nice! Grab some food at Moon Shadow while out there!
  10. It's a definite silver lining for the kiddos
  11. That is a legit kick to the nards. My kids have short days on Wednesday and are done at 11:45 anyway. Just about the time the snow should be starting here.
  12. March 6, 2013. "Noquester" storm. What a nightmare
  13. ha. Well that's a fair question. Gotta keep the morale up or things will get ugly
  14. That jackpot appears to be right through Emmitsburg. Well positioned for the win on this weenie map @North Balti Zen
  15. I would imagine any obs thread at this point would be a whole bunch of marylanders freaking the hell out when there is no snow by lunch on Wednesday.
  16. Right down the road from Ski Liberty too if you feel like being one of the first to hit the fresh snow .
  17. From what I saw this morning, salty as well.
  18. I bet! The snowshadow is real and it is heartless
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