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catoctin wx

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Everything posted by catoctin wx

  1. Thanks Katie! The little "Let is Snow" flag in the garden has been putting in serious work this year!
  2. Up to 4” and all snow here in Frederick. Switched to sleet and freezing rain (22.3 degrees) for a little while around 6 this morning. Not a bad little storm here .
  3. Going with 4.3” total for the two days based on the amount added by Thursday mornings snow shower that moved though. I just emptied my CoCoRaHS, which I take much more seriously than I do my backyard snow measurements, and had 0.42” liquid equivalent. Almost an exact 10:1 ratio. It’s nice when things work out [emoji106] .
  4. Looking lovely outside in Frederick. Just shoveled the driveway where there was considerable melting with nice fluff on top of slush. Solid 4” on all other surfaces though. .
  5. Damn, sounds like quite the drive you had. Glad you made it back safely!
  6. 15 years later and I can still hear my Meteorology professors and lead forecasters screaming "NEVER ADVECT RADAR" from across the weather station
  7. Huh, usually it is the other way around. We definitely had some nice rates right around 10pm here.
  8. Just woke up and measured a nice 4 inches outside in Frederick. I'll take it
  9. That's more like it. *Frederick based chef's kiss*
  10. I appreciate the optimism but probabilities work both ways
  11. Hadn't seen this posted yet in this thread. Apologies if I missed it and this is a duplicate.
  12. I was in Saltzburg, Austria a few years back and the people there still tell stories about him from when they filmed The Sound of Music. He would be singing in the hotels with locals after a full day of shooting.
  13. It's so good but so filling. I'll be placing my order for Sunday this afternoon. Snow will not stop me from getting fat!
  14. It's from a delightful restaurant in downtown Frederick called Hootch & Banter. I'm sure something can be arranged
  15. I've lived in Frederick for 11 years now and the coldest I can recall is -5 or -6. -15 would just be insanely cold. However I would definitely try that boiling water to snow trick!
  16. Ok, now I'm torn. A big storm means that I might not be able to get this for the Super Bowl
  17. I don't have nearly as much time to spend going on photography trips as I want, so I find myself shooting around the yard. I'm sure many have been the same way over the last 10 months or so due to covid. I'll update with some other photos, but here are a few that I took yesterday of the birds at the feeder in the snow. Missed my focus point on the White-Throated Sparrow (tree branch in perfect focus ) but I still like how it came out. Share away!
  18. This would basically be January 2016 around here .
  19. Damn I forgot to get it! I always get Accumulation and Snow Day for any storms. That'll be fixed tomorrow.
  20. The Troegs Nugget Nector is out and it is glorious.
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